On our daily exercise walks our Team have been lucky enough to see lots of lovely pictures of rainbows and smiley faces that people have put up in their windows. This has made our Team smile and the lovely pictures are cheering up the local community!

Seeing these has inspired us – our shop is closed at the moment so we’d like to display your pictures online and on our social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin!
So please keep up the good work and send us your pictures and any videos you may have of your window displays and then we can share these on our website and on social media to give some positive images to brighten up people’s days, especially people that can’t leave their homes for their daily exercise due to self-isolation.
One of our Team has found some fabulous free illustrations below so you can print these off here and colour in to show your love for the NHS and Key Workers who are working tirelessly amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

So why not have a go, get colouring and share these via our Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin!
We will be running a little competition for the best drawing that is sent in by April 14th! There will be 3 winners for different age groups, so make sure you provide your Full name and Age. The groups are – 0-4 years old, 5-10 years old and 10 plus.
Email these to info@tempoestates.co.uk to be entered into the competition!
Each winner will be announced on our social media and put on our website as the winner!
What are you waiting for get your drawings sent in, let’s support the NHS!
We look forward to receiving your drawings.
Click on the below icons to follow us, receive our latest updates and most importantly share your pictures!
Take Care and Stay Safe,
Team Tempo