Preparing your holiday home for winter will help keep it in good shape ready for another season in spring. You should always check the Policy of your Holiday Home Insurance so you know what will be covered and how to prevent damages. Your holiday home insurance is designed to protect you from unavoidable circumstances and NOT poor maintenance.

Water Systems:
To prevent freezing and any resulting damage to the water systems, an insurance company may state that you will have to drain the entire water system if you are going to be leaving the home unoccupied. For example, Park Home Assist say, “between 1st November and 31st March both days inclusive, if the leisure home is left without an occupant for more than 48 hours you must drain down the entire water system.” If your holiday home contains an antifreeze system this will not have to be carried out, but the antifreeze levels should be checked annually or prior to a period of unoccupancy.
Any heating systems with automatic controls should be left to operate continuously for 24 hours and not set to less than 13 degrees Celsius or follow the guide provided with the thermostat as some may be fitted with a ‘frost stat’.

Interior of Your Holiday Home:
- Flush and sterilise pipes, toilets and hot tubs following manufacturer’s guidelines.
- Remove all soft furnishings, rugs, seat covers and curtains to avoid build-up of damp and to let your furniture breath. Move furniture away from walls to enable airflow and prevent mildew.
- Remove all valuable items that would tempt thieves. Please check your insurance policy for what they will cover when the home is vacant for a long period of time.
- Empty all fridges, freezers and cupboards of food. Clean cupboards, floors, fridge, freezer, oven and hob thoroughly. Vermin can be attracted to the smallest trace of food.
- Disconnect any gas cylinders and store them in a secure and dry place which is a safe distance from your holiday home.
- Check all windows and doors are closed and locked securely.
Exterior of Your Holiday Home:
- Treat your holiday home to an external clean and treatment to help prevent the build-up of grime and debris in the colder months. Oxygenated bleach and a stiff brush are great for cleaning decking and pathways.
- Check that the seals on doors, windows and skylights are not damaged. Replace them where necessary as they can perish quicker in the colder months.
- Check your chassis and anchor points for any sign of damage or corrosion.
- Safely store any external furniture that is exposed to the elements and check any aerials are secure or remove them to prevent damage.
- Check external panelling and guttering to make sure it is secure and weatherproof.
- Check surrounding bushes and trees for any loose branches that could cause damage to your holiday home in strong winds. Please check with your park management first and receive confirmation in writing.

Finally, for any work you do carry out please make sure to keep copies in case of insurance claims. In the unfortunate circumstances that you do need to make a claim, photographic and recorded evidence which shows that the lodge is well maintained can be invaluable.
Reference: Park Home Assist
To discuss anything covered in the article or to start the ball rolling with purchasing, selling or letting your home or Holiday Home.
Call the friendly Tempo Team on: 01772 633399